Class Will for the Class of 1967
Being of sound mind and body, the class of nineteen hundred and sixty seven, hereby declares this the last WILL AND TESTAMENT of our worldly treasures gained throughout it years of high school.
I, Harry Adams, will my ability to ride a motor cycle to Mr. Schramm hoping that he will learn more about the ruling bike HONDA.
I, Mary Addison, will to my dear sister Kate, anything of mine she hasn't already taken.
I ,William L.J. Allen III, better known as Skip, will to Rick Orlowski and the rest of the aristocracy of the Junior class my jeep manual and sailing instructions hoping they will continue the festivities on land and sea.
I, Darrell Allen, leave to my cousin Kyle my long hair in hopes that he will someday outlive his nickname, Burr-Head.
I, Rex Allen, will to my sister, Juanita, my ability to get along in school.
I, Kathi Amley, will to my sister, Jackie and Dawn Warner, my great ability to stay out of mischief while in Holt and Lansing.
I, Alan Anderson, will to Katie McSweeny or favorite radio announcer.
I, Chester Anderson will all my drawings from Co-op drafting class to Larry Guisinger.
I, Bill Bailey, will my All-American ability to catch passes to the next left end.
I, Jan Beckwith, will to Tom Lock, one 1958 Chevy Station wagon, in hopes he will fix it before it falls apart.
I, Robert Beer, will all my brownie points with Mr. McNally to Rick Orlowski and Pete McDaniel, as if they need theml.
I, Shery Beitelschies, will to Larry Abbot my week at Miami Beach.
I, Joanna Black, sill to my sister, Diana, my nickname the "little Black Girls" with the hopes that she will be able to brunt the embarrassment better than I could.
I, Joanna Blaine, will my bio-slims reducing pills to my sister Shirl.
I, Gerald Boyer, will my set of worn out cheaters and two rusted wheel bearings to Tom Burns in hopes that he can get his Olds running.
I, Yvonne Bradley, will my quietness to Konrad Bamm and hope he will use it wisely.
I, Chuck Brannick, will "Moss" my number 45 basketball uniform in hopes that he can scrape the boards next year.
I, Tom Buck, will to my sister JoAnn my sociology notes in hopes that she can get more out of them than I did.
I, Pat Carney, will to Lee Anna Collins, my great ability to be good at all times, in hops that she will be as good as I almost always was.
I, Margaret Cavendar, will a set of tires to my little brother, Joe who it seems is always having flat tires.
I, Joyce Choate, will to Garriann Gifford, my back brace to use as a spare.
I, Judee Cobb, will my golden rhinestone bottle opener to my brother Larry in hopes he will get as much use an pleasure our of it as I have.
I, James Cooke, will to Mike Day the skill of staying out of trouble while having fun.
I, Louise Conway, will all my ambition to drag myself to school everyday possible to Diane Bailey.
I, Trudy Countryman, will my ability to ask questions and then still mess things up to Mrs. Currents new office girl in hopes she will keep the accounts as unbalanced as I have.
I, Tom Coutu, will to Carol Lewis all my studious times at MCHS.
I, Pat Crego, will to my sister, Marlene, "school skipper" Crego, my ability to attend school for her Senior year at good old MCHS.
I, Sharon Curtis, will to Kathy LeFaive all my sociology and government notes hoping she will put them to good use.
I, John Dawson, will to Tom Burns my superior driving ability.
I, Pat Dresser, will my Buick to big Bill Lackey so he can drive it out to
camp.I, Mary Lou Driscoll, will my good driving habits to Freddy King.
I, Roger Dunaway, will my perfect attendance to Lonnie Hutchinson.
I, Ricard Duncan, will the back tire of my motorcycle to Cindy Brown.
I, Cheryl Eberle, will to Carol Jusick my old Bluebell uniform and to Sherry Cole my ability to juggle a bed pan.
I, Tom Erickson, give to Bucky Metheringham some of my height and weight in hopes that he will play football next year.
I, Rayette Esham, will to my brother, Bob, all of my white socks.
I, Bill Fairbanks, will my ability to stay in dances and our of trouble to Tracey Bolenbaugh.
I, Dave Failing, will my old worn out sweatshirt with the holes which have since gone frayed to my brother, Dan, to be added to his collection of junk.
I, Jean Farr, will to Buzzy Gusky my favorite jar of Vicks Vapo Rub to be used generously whenever the need arises.
I, Katie Farr, will to Mr. Anderson $ .35 for his pink elephant bank so his wife won't have to give him his next two weeks allowance.
I, Tom Fry, will Dave Phelps my nickname.
I , Debby Gallant, will to Pam Blagg my shy and quiet ways and my 5'11" frame. She needs all of them.
I, Scott Garver, will to Mr. Jupp my great paper airplane designs.
I, Jeanne Gattshall, will to my brother, Bruce, my good driving record because he will need it.
I, Jack George will, my driving ability to Bob Holmes.
I, Linda Gilchrist, will my nicknames: Gizzy, Guzcrust and the like to Carolyn Goss in hops that she can bear them as much as I have; and to the aforesaid person I also will my size 20 gym suit in hopes that she will use it more that I did.
I, Chuck Goldsmith will to anyone who needs them my 24 credits.
I, Don Goldsmith, will 1.372 used flashbulbs to Mr. Campbell for good luck on next year's annual.
I, Ilah Graham, will all my great times at MCHS to Linda Dunlap.
I, Cindy Granger will 3 inches of my height to my sister, Becky so she can be five foot even.
I, Randy Griener , will my ability to get along with Mr. Doster to Bernard Badgely.
I Jan Griffith, will my ability to get good grades to "Baby Boy" Bruce Gattshall so some day he will graduate.
I, Gary Gyurkovitz, will 68+1 locks of hair and my ability to keep cool at senior parties to Tom Burns.
I, Mike Hall, will to
Bucky Metheringham all my torn out football pants in hopes that he some day
grows into them.
I , Roger Hammond, will my old hiking boots to my sister so she can walk to
school next year.I, Mike Hillis, will my theme paper to Mr. Reasoner's future sociology students to show them what not to do.
I, Jeanne Hoffman, will my dark blue "56" bomb to my brother Bob, in hopes that he doesn't wear out to many pair of shoes trying to start it.
I, Linda Hovey, will to Dan Welihan my cheerleading uniform in hopes that he will make a better cheerleader at State than he did here.
I, Glenn Hudson, will my wrestling ability to my brother Jim, as if he needs it.
I, Becky Isaacson, will my locker to Rosie Painter providing she cleans it out first.
I, Dave Jones will all of my studious abilities and great knowledge to Carolyn Goss.
I, Jackie Kawzinski, will my yellow dog, Cleo, to a certain sophmore girl in hopes that it will bring her as much happiness and luck as it has me.
I, Laurie Keeney, will all my muscles I acquired from cheerleading to Sandy Vincent, in hopes that they look better on her than they do on me.
I, Chris Kelley, will all my good times at MCHS to Roy Roberts,
I, Linda King, will my good study habits to my brother Freddie,
I, Barb Kloack, will my size "3" tennis shoes to Charlie Kloack in order that he may run as fast from the girls as Kris Kloack can.
I, Kris Kloack, will my knowledge to my brother, Chuck, so that he may use it.
I, Mike Knight, will my great ability to my little brother, Pat, in hopes he'll try his hardest to be as good as I was.
I, Dan Koch, will my great ability to do everything to Lonnie "Duke" Hutchinson in hopes that some day he will be able to do something.
I, Diane Lemler, will my beat up car to my sister, Linda, in hopes it serves her better than it did me, and that she has as good luck sneaking the noisy thing past the cops as I have.
I, Rick Lewis, will to my sister, Carol, all of my marks in my senior year. Maybe she can use them in place of hers.
I, Dave Licking, will my ability to stay in business class to Terry Hammond.
I, Gary Linnabury, will my great success in Electrical Technology to Linda Goldsmith.
I, Richard Mason, will my nickname Rabbit to Rich Miller.
I, Dennis McCarron, will my old '58 Chevy to Dan Dingee in hopes that he will junk it and keep it off the roads.
I, Bonnie McDaniel, will to my brother, Pete, all my old size 10 shoes in the earnest hope that he will someday grow into them.
I, Albert Messner, will Bonnie Messner my copied government notes so she can also get good grades.
I, Sharon Metheringham, will my right guide position in band to Carolyn Goss, in hopes that she will stay in the right line next year.
I, Tom Mierzwa, will to my brother, Ray my classical novels left over from English Comp in hopes that he may enjoy them.
I, Alan Miller, leave my brother Richard, the jeep.
I, Peggy Miller, will to Linda Sellers my Bluebell dress and bandage scissors and my strong stomach.
I, Judy Moore, will to Carl Simons, all my blond hair in case he looses his.
I, Diane Merrill, will Mary Skogland my Polish dictionary.
I, Mary Moshier, will my great 4th grade accordion playing ability to Bev Hudson, and hope that she can get more out if it than I did.
I, Doug Murphy,
I Len Mygrants, will to Don Teller my good luck in dropping pencils.
I, Ron Norton, will to Bruce Gifford, all my “Warped Wonders” in order to be preserved for all posterity.
I, Doug Omans, will all my good grades in psychology to my brother Dan.
I, Terry Orban, will all my Captain Nice Uniform and my paisley pajamas to Dan Grimes in hopes that he will wear them with pride.
I, Rick Perry, will K-Mart to Terry Vincent.
I, Sandy Peterson, will my old worn out Phyllis Diller jokes to Tracey Bolenbaugh in hopes that he will Phylis at next year's Mardi Gras.
I, Sue Peterson, will my ability to handle patents to Barb Cavendar in hopes that she will find it very useful.
I, Sandy Phillipi, will Konrad Bamm, one first chair, one half bottle of valve oil and the wonderful position of uniform chairman.
I, Larry Phillips, will Tom Jones one pair of worn out mufflers and one pair of homemade slicks.
I, Cathy Pickett, will one spare tire mount, numerous finder brackets, to Tracey Bloenbaugh and one mortician to Vince.
I, Kelly Powell, will my hip boots and my shovel to Lonnie, “Duke” Hutchinson for dock building.
I, Suzanne Pringle, will my chemistry book, chemistry notes, lab book and slide rule and whole pile of junk to Darlene Shotwell and wish her all the luck in the world.
I, Russ Ratkiewicz, will to Jim Moorehead my worn out track shoes to be used when he's chasing girls.
I, Floyd Roberts, will my ability to say practice to Dan Rothenburger.
I, Tim Rogers, sill all the memorable tree stumps in back of our parking lot to Cindy Brown so they may prosper together.
I, Steve Rulewicz, will my key to the Polish Falcon's lounge to Rick Orlowski, so that he may spend the rest of his life in high society.
I, Jack Sayles, will to John Blakely my Ben Franklin bifocals in hopes that he puts them to better use than I did.
I, Carol Schuler, will all my good times at MCHS to Margaret Fletcher.
I, Linda Sechler, will to Larry Guisinger all my notes from his brother to be used for blackmail.
I, Pat Smith, will to Juanita Allen all of my “Wate On” pills in hopes that they will do her more good than they did me.
I, Silvia Solari, hope some of the people I met at MCHS will remember me and will know a little bit more about Uruguay. I also hope my speeches were not to boresome.
I, Linda Spicer, will to Mr. McNally a year's supply of Double Bubble Gum for next year's basketball season.
I, Debbie Sprauge, will my paddle boards to Miss Taylor.
I, Chuck Sprang, will to Rick Orlowski, and Pete McDaniel my half bottle of Jade East in the locker, they already took the first half.
I, Pat Stimson, will my outstanding cooking and sewing ability to Freddy King in hopes that he will better himself in the home economics field,
I, Jerry Stone, will all my rusty muskrat traps to Gary Springer in hopes he gets his finger caught as much as I did.
I, Patty Strait, will my sociology and government notes to my brother Monty.
I, Ken Strauss, will my bathing suit to Nancy Austin in hopes that she will have as much fun as I did.
I, Diane Stuart, will Pat, Sharon's sister the ability to put up with Sharon.
I, Jim Stump, will to Konrad Bamm my magnificent ability to keep from getting caught.
I, Pat Sullivan, will the great store of knowledge I acquired from Mr. Patterson's Co-op class to my brother, Mark.
I, Chris Sunday, will all my dry cleaning experience to Mr. King in hopes that he will have his own dry cleaning business someday.
I, Larry Surbrook, will all my good grades from Mr. Campbell, to Rodney Nace.
I, Dennis Swatek, will all my ability to attend school regularly to my sister, Christine.
I, Dick Tappen, will all my old Hot Rod magazines to Joe Cavendar.
I, Mike Taylor, will my ability to find beautiful cars to my little brother, Peanut.
I, Pat Van Epps, will my house to the Juniors for Senior parties.
I, Lynn Van Wagnen, will to Pete McDaniel my maps of Jackson county's dead end gravel roads so that his expenditures may remain uninterrupted.
I, John Walters, will all the help everybody tried to give me to Tom Burns who really needs it.
I, Pat Webber, will my Bluebell uniform to Margaret Phletcher.
I, Dan Welihan, will my track shoes to my brother Dave.
I, Jacqueline Wetzel, will anything I own that is orange to Cindy Tompkins.
I, Jim Wheeler, will a set of car seats to Joe Wallace for his car.
I, Katie White, will my guitar playing ability to Bonnie and Pete McDaniel in hopes they will eventually learn to play Bonnie's
I, Mike Willnow, will all my motes from my Senior year and my dirty gym suit to my brother Pat.
I, Bonnie Wilson, leave my pierced ears to Heidi Austin.
I, Carol Wineland, will to Bob Waldo the ability to stay out of the office.
I, Sharon Woodworth, will my dad and his golden hammer for $1.00 to my sister, Pat, because they sure won't make it without him.
I, Karen Worden, will to my brother, Art, the ability to stay out of the office.
I. Jerry Yanke, will to Bill Lackey, my black tennis shoes, so that he may be as fleet footed as I was.
I, Don York, will my book "Booga-Looing with Ease: to Rick Orlowski in hopes that he can master it by next year.
I, David Zenz, will my "last but not least" place in the alphabet to Helen Zaborney.
We the class of 1967 will to the Juniors the great gap left by our superior class, in hopes that they TRY to fill it.
To the sophomores we will our great class and school spirit and our outstanding ability to construct winning floats.
We leave to the Freshman our poise and composure that we obtained by growing older.
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