Class Reunion 2012

The Michigan Center High SchoolClass of 1967
45th Anniversary of theirGraduation
Thanks to Cheryl Eberle Laimon for these Pictures 
Cheryl Eberle Laimon, Floyd Roberts, Deborah Spargue Clark

Joyce Choate Betz,  Bonnie McDaniel Van Wagnen, Cheryl Eberle Laimon
Mary Moshier Sprang, Cheryl, Rebecca Isaacson Hall

Jim Wheeler,  Laurie Keeney Beer

Sharon Metheringham Cathcart

Linda Gilchrist Wordon

Helen Stafford Sterret

Chuck Brannick,  Ilah Graham Perry

Carol Wineland Paquette, Jan Beckwith Locke,  Katie Farr Low

 Ilah Grahm Perry, Mike Taylor, Chuck Sprang

Tom Coutu,  Don Hawkins.

Steve Lipko, Bonnie McDaniel Van Wagnen

Deb  Sprague Clark

Chuck Sprang,  Bob Beer

Laurie Keeney Beer,

Laurie Keeney Beer,

Vern Faber

Dick and Judy Tappen

Dick and Judy Tappen

Christine and Mike Willnow

Barbara Kloack Lipko, Floyd Roberts   Dennis and Anna McCarron, Steve Solomon

Sharon Metheringham Cathcart, Dan Cathcart, Linda Spicer Doremus

Mary Moshier Sprang, Denny Locke, Jan Beckwith Lock

Becky Isaacson Hall, Linda Gilchrist Wordon,  Barbara Kloack, Jim Dodds, Sandy Phillipi Dodd 
Jim Dodds, Sandy Phillipi Dodds

Gene Hall,  Becky Isaacson Hall

Sandy Phillipi Dodds, Deb Sprague Clark

Deb and Carol Wineland, Paquette

Gary Huntley,  Mary Lou Driscoll Huntley, Barb Kloack Lipko.


  1. Hey, Joyce, this is really cool! Very professional. Will you teach me how?

    1. Thanks. We are having a class a the library the end of October.

  2. conversation and pizza at 3 horse, that is...if someone decides to buy the pizza...


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